Wednesday, July 24

Waiting on Wednesday July 24th

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine showcasing upcoming books that we are waiting, often impatiently, to be released.

Hellfire by Jean Johnson

Her story began in the national bestsellers A Soldier’s Duty and An Officer’s Duty. Now Ia is captain and commander at the helm of Hellfire, where she is finally free to chart the course for the fulfillment of her destiny…

As captain, Ia must now assemble a crew that can rise to the ultimate challenge of saving the galaxy. The hardest part will be getting them to believe her, to trust in her prophecies. If they don’t, her own crew will end up being the biggest obstacle in her race against time.

The Salik are breaking through the Blockade, plunging the known galaxy into war. Ia cannot stop it this time, nor does she want to. This is the terrible price she has seen all along—that some must pay with their lives so that others might live. Now only time itself can prove whether each member of her crew is merely a soldier or truly one of Ia’s Damned.

Release Date: July 30, 2013

Why This book?

I am waiting on this book because I NEED to know what happens next.  Ia has been a fascinating character since the very beginning.  It's funny, I had put in a request at my local library for this book, before it even came out, just because it was by Jean Johnson.  Then I forgot about it.  Imagine my surprise when I got the phone call that my book was finally in, I go pick it up and discover something completely different then the paranormal romance I was expecting.  A military science fiction?  Say What!  But since I already had the book in hand,  and I tend to like military sci fi books, I went ahead and gave it a read.  Wowzers!  Loved it!  Awesome!  


  1. Nice pick! It's been a while since I read anything by Jean Johnson but this has intrigued me, first book in the series reserved at my library!

  2. Looks pretty good! I love surprises like that haha :)

  3. It is a total departure genre wise from her Shifters & Sons of Destiny series. Still fabulous writing though. I am so enjoying it and hope you do too.


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