Saturday, August 31

Book Blogger Hop August 31st

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week a question is asked and we bloggers answer.

This week's question  is asked by Kero from Kero's Book Blog blog.


Have you ever ended up reading a book with its last or last few pages missing? What book was it? And how did you managed to get to the end?


Once. Many, many, many years ago.  I had gotten a book at a second hand store and didn't realize that there were some pages missing until I got to that point.  It was a paperback romance and not request-able from the local library or even through the Inter-Library Lending system.  (Thankfully that has since changed.)  It took me weeks to track down another copy of that book to find out how it ended.

Since then, if I am buying second hand, I ALWAYS fan through the book and make sure that there are no loose or missing pages.  

Has this ever happened to you?  


  1. it happened to me also,new GFC follower

    hope you can visit my

    <a href=">Book Blogger Hop</a>

  2. Living in the south, in a small town on the coast, Jana DeLeon really nails the feeling of living in that environment. But she does it with enough tongue in cheek that you can't help but laugh at the situations the characters get into. I have liked everything she has written.

  3. LOL! Cute! Peer Pressure, Peer Pressure!

    -Amanda P

    Where the Night Kind Roam

  4. Hugely frustrating, isn't it?

    Thanks for the follow. :)


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