Saturday, September 21

Book Blogger Hop September 21st

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week a question is asked and we bloggers answer.

This week's question  is asked by Elizabeth from Silver's Review blog.


What is your favorite genre? List two of your favorite books in that genre.


This is a tough question for me.  Primarily since I like a lot of different genres, yet my favorites seem to be those hard to shelf combo genre books.  Besides, how exactly do you single out one particular book?  It's like choosing your favorite child!

At one time, I had several hundred books.  I had to seriously weed them out when I had more boxes of books then I had everything else combined.  Try moving a couple times and having absolutely no one wanting to help move all the boxes and totes full of heavy books.  There comes a day when you have to ask yourself, do I really need to keep this book?  In most cases the answer was no.

Luckily all that changed with the e-reader.  It took several years, but I have mostly replaced my all time favorites with e versions.  Now I only have a couple of authors that I allow actual real world shelf space.  These include Jennifer Estep's Elemental Assassin, Shelly Laurenston's Pride series, Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson series, anything by Ilona Andrews and J.D. Robb.

Can you lay claim to having one (or two) all time favorite books?  If so, which one(s) is it?

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is historical fiction.

    LOL on not being able to single out a book and comparing it to your favorite child.

    Happy Hopping!!
    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer


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