Monday, October 14

Interview: Luck of the Dragon by Susannah Scott

Luck of the Dragon

Luck of the Dragon
Susannah Scott

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Entangled Covet

Date of Publication: June 24, 2013

Number of pages: 250

Available at the following retailers:
Amazon     BN     Sony     Kobo     ARe

Luciana de Luca has a PhD in sass and gemology—and a problem. Her twin brother’s gambling debts have gotten out of hand, and a mob enforcer is blackmailing her to rob the latest, greatest mega-casino on the Strip. Although Lucy has worked her whole life to get away from her family’s grifter past, to save her brother, she dons three-inch heels and a sluts-r-us dress and struts into Alec’s Gerald’s casino, determined to put her long-forgotten thieving ways to the test again.

Alec Gerald, a shape-shifting dragon, has built the Crown Jewel casino to provide sanctuary for his people amongst the flash and awe of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the sexy little thief trying to rob his gem exhibit turns out to be his mate, and he must woo her before he loses his dragon form forever. With enemies in every corner, and the all-important mating ceremony looming, Alec and Lucy must learn to trust each other, before time runs out for Alec and the rest of the dragons.
Lucy glared at the casino owner. She had researched him, of course, studying his athletic image in hundreds of Internet pictures. The man was good-looking, apparently brilliant, and ruthless in his business deals. Watching the mesmerized crowd lean toward the stage, she had to admit he had that something else too—the showmanship of a champion con man—a magnetism she knew could draw people like lemmings off a cliff.

The man was flat-out people-genic.

“As many of you know, this project has been years in the making.” Alec Gerald surveyed the courtyard, working the crowd with his voice and easy mannerisms. “Our gem exhibit opens in a few weeks and will be the largest private collection of gems in the world. Carat for carat, we will outweigh England’s crown jewels.”

Lucy’s eyes never left him. Though his voice was cultured and smooth, Gerald’s posture was wide-legged and slightly aggressive. Formidable. Her eyes traveled from his polished shoes up his body. The curve of quad muscle showed through his pants when he shifted to the side. His torso was taut and gave way to wide, burly shoulders. A bump on the bridge of his nose indicated he’d been in a fight or two.

That was not good for her. Not good at all.

Lucy pondered the man on the stage, not happy with the picture she was forming of her opponent. Gerald’s playful words, five o’clock shadow, and slightly long hair all seemed to suggest a man of desultory casualness. Indeed, the articles she had read on him went on, and on, about his genial public presence. A veritable man of the world, who’d been-there-done-it all, twice. A man who could offer the all-elusive it to anyone with a plane ticket to Vegas. A man so charming, he didn’t need to shave twice a day.

But her instincts told her this was wrong. Gerald was a serious man who only pretended to be lighthearted and casual.

She would have to watch her step.

Today, we welcome Susannah Scott to Musings and Ramblings. Let's all give her a big Geeky welcome!

I have some questions for you that are writer specific as well as some fun stuff so that we can really get to know the real you. *grin* Plus we will finish things off with round of Think Fast. Ready to begin?
You bet! Thank you so much for having my on your site today to celebrate the release of my Paranormal Romance, Luck of the Dragon!
Writing Specific
1. Tell us something about yourself that's not in your bio.
I am a total geek myself. I have a B.S. in Chemistry!
2. What do you like to do when you are not writing?
My absolute favorite thing is to go to one of the many spring fed rivers we have in this area. We have three young boys, and my very best days have been spent in a chair beside the water, watching them catch critters, while my husband fishes and I enjoy a good book and margarita.
3. How did you choose to write about dragons?
I love dragons. I love that they can fly, and I love that they are over-the-top powerful! The added human-dragon shifter element is wonderful because Alec’s bestial nature is in constant conflict with his human reasoning. I loved getting to know Alec better by watching how he dealt with his competing impulses. But, mostly it is the flying, and fire, and power.
4. Is there any particular author or book that has influenced you or your writing?
In the fantasy area: Elizabeth Vaughan and Maria V. Snyder. In paranormal: Christina Dodd.
5. What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
Some readers have felt that my heroine’s relationship with her ne’er-do-well twin brother, Joey, enables his bad behavior. About the same number loved Joey so much they want him to have his own story. Either way, it is gratifying as writer to have people connect with my characters on any level.
Fun Stuff
6. If you could have dinner with anyone, past or present, fictional or real, who would it be and why?
I would love to be at the same table with Jesus. Just to listen and to ask him why is there so much evil and hardship in this world.
7. You are going to be stranded on a deserted island and bring 3 luxury items. What would they be?
Matches, water and a tent. If those are handled then, coffee, books, sunscreen.
8. Pick two celebrities to be your parents. Who are they and why?
Blythe Danner, she just seems like a cool, down-to-earth chick, and check out those genes. Ben Affleck. He seems like he really enjoys spending time with his kids, ditto on the genes.
9. What would we find in your refrigerator right now?
We just went to the grocery store so it is stocked. Milk, lunch meat, bread, chicken, vegs, V8s.
10. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
Trying to Be Tenacious.
Think Fast
Summer or Winter? Summer
Coffee or Tea? Coffee w heavy cream
Cake or Pie? Tiramisu
Car or Truck? Car
Print or Electronic? Print, I still need to get a kindle!

Thanks for coming by and spending some time with us. Any final words of wisdom to pass along?
Actually Yes! I have started making my own images for my FB page and I made this one this week. I just love it. Feel free to share.

Thank you again for having me on your blog, and giving me an opportunity to connect with your readers!
All my best,

Susannah Scottwww.susannahscottbooks.comFB/SusannahScottAuthor

Book Tour Info: 
Don't forget to check out the other stops on the Book Tour:

September 9:
Dalene’s Book Reviews - Interview
Charmingly unscripted
Brooke Blogs
Tynga's Reviews - Interview
Jill Archer - Interview
Books Books and More Books
Pembroke Sinclair - Interview
Itara@ My midnight fantasies
Share My Destiny
Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Darker Passions
Book Liaison

October 14:
Nicky Peacock Author - Interview
Book Bliss
Mythical Books
Eclipse Reviews - Interview
Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
Faerie Tale Books
Crazy Four Books - Interview
Diane's Book Blog
Jodie Pierce's Ink Slinger's Blog
Vailia's Page Turner
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic - Interview
The Simple Things in Life
BookwormBridgette's World
Musings and Ramblings - Interview
Musings of Mistress of the Dark Path
Sabina's Adventures In Reading
Book Suburbia
Reader's Edyn
Melissa Stevens
Author Karen Swart
Author Leah DW
Wicca Witch 4 Book Blog

Author Bio:

SUSANNAH SCOTT lives in the Missouri Ozarks and is the lone female in a very loud household of males ranging in age from 4 to 40. While she jokes that the extreme levels of testosterone inspired her to write romance, it is really the love of creating an excellent story, and the occasional dreams of twenty-foot dragons, that wake her and send her to the laptop before the chaos of daily life ensues. Susannah loves to hear from her readers at the following social media locations.

To connect with the author online:

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


  1. Gah that is one of the most stunning covers. And I love dragons too! Everything about em. I'm going to have to read this one soon. Great post ladies!

  2. It is an amazing cover. It screams sexy class. I also dig the fact that the heroine is smart. It is on my list as well. :)


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