Thursday, March 26

@TastyBookTours Interview: Seduction by Violetta Rand


Devil's Den, #2
Violetta Rand

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Loveswept
Date of Publication: March 17, 2015
Number of pages: 250
Cover Artist: Georgia Morrissey

Available at the following retailers:
Amazon     BN     Kobo     ARe

Seduction returns to the Devil’s Den, a Texas strip club where hearts can’t hide when the chemistry is right.

The night Marisela Gonzalez rides up to the Devil’s Den on her motorcycle, running from trouble and looking for her sister, she finds more than a place to hide out and work her red-hot body. She meets a guy brave enough to stand by a tough, terrified nineteen-year-old girl who’s been in the wrong place with the wrong jerk one too many times. And he’s ready to show Marisela how a real man treats the woman he desires.

An ex-cop taking over as the club’s head of security, Craig Hanson can handle anything—except the urgent need he suddenly feels to hold Marisela tight. Commitment has never been his thing, but all that changes when Craig finds something too real to deny between them. Sensual and vulnerable, Marisela’s got a scary past. And when it comes knocking, Craig goes all in to protect her—because seduction is the ultimate game changer.
I’m not in the mood for any shit tonight. I’ve been on my bike for hours, driving way too fast for way too long. I’m hungry and thirsty and pissed off at the world. I don’t even bother using my directional as I turn into the Devil’s Den parking lot. I don’t feel comfortable leaving my Ducati where some drunk can slam into it. I snap the throttle and do a mini wheelie onto the breezeway in front of the building. I kill the engine and climb off. As soon as I pull my helmet off, the September wind whips my hair in every direction. Helmet head is never a good look. I bend at the waist and shake my long hair out. When I stand back up, I’m immediately drawn to the loud fight unfolding a few yards away.

I tuck my keys in my pocket and start walking. Cautiously of course. There are ten guys blocking the entrance to the club. I recognize the red and dark-blue security pullovers worn by the staff at the Devil’s Den. My sister’s fiancé often wore one. There are half a dozen Harleys parked nearby. And nearly as many Banditos (wearing colors) starting shit. I’m very close now. So close I can see and hear everything.

“Get the fuck out of here!” a bouncer screams.

“Give me my credit card.”

“Come back in the morning when you’re sober and talk to the manager. Until then,” the doorman says, “the bank asked the bartender to shred your card.”

“That’s bullshit.” The biker staggers.

Three gang members challenge the other doormen. I think Ultimate Fighting Championship and rub my thrill-seeking little hands together. I love fights better than movies. I barely manage to jump out of the way as a beer bottle whizzes by my head. Holy shit. This is getting intense. Fists fly. A fat Bandito falls facedown. Nine and counting. I’m not sure which way to look until the biker closest to me pulls out a switchblade. Fists are one thing, weapons another. He’s facing off with one of the hottest guys I’ve ever seen. A gladiator, really.

They both circle, looking for an opening to strike. I’m getting nervous—frightened. I back up. I’m keeping my eyes focused in two directions. On them and an escape route.

The biker jabs and misses. The doorman stretches his arms out. I see his fingers wiggling to distract his attacker. “Come on, you fucking coward,” he challenges.

The biker lunges. Close, but he misses again. I’m really uncomfortable with this. I scan the sidewalk. Where’d that beer bottle go? I scoop it up. When I glance their way again, nothing has changed except there’s a second Bandito challenging the hot bouncer. Not fair. I hurry forward. The knife-wielding bastard has his back to me. It’s as if I’m invisible, there’s so much testosterone pumping around here. I grip the neck of the bottle tightly. The biker pounces, stabbing the doorman in the forearm. I see blood.
Interview/Guest Post/Review: 
Today, we welcome Violetta Rand to Musings and Ramblings. Let's all give a big Geeky welcome!

How’d you know I was a total Geek? I loved college—actually cried on graduation day because it was all over (so I went back to get my MS). Doesn’t that scream Geek?

Let's start with some writer specific questions before moving into the fun stuff. That way everyone can really get to know the person behind the writer. We will finish things off with a round of Think Fast. Ready for the interrogation to begin?

Uh, if there’s a person behind me while I’m typing, I’m moving. Really…

Writing Specific

When is your favorite time/place to write? Do you write structured or patchworked?
I’m everything you’re not supposed to be as a writer… No schedule, no discipline, no outline, no quiet space. A patchwork would be too organized. LOL. I just love to write wherever and however I can.

How do you deal with Writer's Block?
Never suffered from it, but there’s days I just don’t want to sit in front of my computer, so I don’t. I’m a people person, so I like to get out and socialize. And I love Sushi, so that’s usually my excuse to get away. ☺

How involved are you with Social Media and self-promotion?
That’s a big part of connecting with readers and other writers. So I’m pretty involved on Facebook, Twitter, and I’m also a member of a collaborative blog with other authors. I love chatting with people who love to read or write.

What one thing do you wish someone had told you before you started writing?
How much patience I’d need—I’m not blessed with that talent.

How did you choose the genres you write in?
I didn’t. More like a heat seeking missile hit me in the middle of the night.

Fun Stuff

What was the last movie/concert/show that you saw?
Show: Vikings
Movie: The Judge
Concert: I don’t remember

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
I’d be super doctor with a cape—the power to eradicate all diseases.

Tell us 2 positive and 2 negative character traits you possess.
Positive: Problem solver and extremely loyal
Negative: Competitive (except at bowling and miniature golf) and impatient

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Bad manners

If you could have dinner with anyone, past or present, fictional or real, who would it be and why?
Jesus of Nazareth, I have so many questions…

Think Fast

Elvis or Sinatra? Elvis
AM or PM? PM
Mountains or Sea? Mountains
Meat or Veggies? Veggies
Italian or Chinese? Italian
Summer or Winter? Winter is coming.☺
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Cake or Pie? Pie
Car or Truck? Truck
Dead Tree or Electronic? What can I do with a dead tree?

Thanks for coming by and spending some time with us. Any final words of wisdom to pass along?

Wow, it’s over already??? Thanks for sharing your space with me. Wisdom… Just be nice to everyone, life works better that way.

Loveswept is hosting a Tour Wide Giveaway for a $25 eGift Card of Winner's Choice Bookseller, Loveswept Mug and Nail Polish.

Author Bio:
Raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, Violetta Rand spent her childhood reading, writing, and playing soccer. After meeting her husband in New England, they moved to Alaska where she studied environmental science and policy as an undergraduate before attending graduate school. Violetta then spent nearly a decade working as an environmental scientist, specializing in soil and water contamination and environmental assessments.

Violetta still lives in Anchorage, Alaska and spends her days writing evocative New Adult romance and historical romance. When she’s not reading, writing, or editing, she enjoys time with her husband, pets, and friends. In her free time, she loves to hike, fish, and ride motorcycles and 4-wheelers.

To connect with the author online:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

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