Friday, July 12

Book Blogger Hop July 13th

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week a question is asked and we bloggers answer.

This week's question  is asked by Elizabeth from Silver's Review blog.


How long have you been blogging?


I first started blogging several years ago.  I was playing a multi-player online game and started a blog as a diary of sorts.  I made a few friends with others who were blogging about the games as well as some who played the game but blogged about general everyday things.  As I became more involved in a game clan, I ended up doing most of my writing on their dedicated site and put my blog into hibernation.  Eventually I left the clan and dramatically scaled back my play.  This also meant that I wasn't reading those other blogs anymore and I gradually dropped from the blogging community.

One day last fall, I discovered the book blogging community and started reading and subscribing.  As it was fall, and the holiday season was fast approaching, the blog hops and giveaways were springing up left and right.  Oh what fun it was to hop around and find all these lovely people who were just as enthused about books as I was.  Maybe not the same books, but the same passion was to be found.  It was AWESOME!  Of course, this brought back how much I had enjoyed blogging before. It wasn't long before I was re-purposing my old blog site and jumping back in.

That was December of last year.  So far I am about 7 months in and having a blast.  I seem to learn new things every day and am so glad that I rediscovered the joys of blogging.  I guess that was the long answer.  lol


  1. I loved your long answer Judy :-). I have a long one of my own ;) you can find it here

    I followed you on blog lovin

  2. Super answer.

    Blogging is so fun. I love it. I will be "three" this month. :)

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer


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