Monday, September 9

Interview &.Giveaway: Secrets of a Dangerous Woman by p.m terrell

Secrets of a Dangerous Woman

Secrets of a Dangerous Woman
Black Swamp Mysteries, Book 3
p.m terrell

Genre: Suspense
Publisher: Drake Valley Press

Date of Publication: July 30, 2012

Number of pages: 350

Cover Artist: Glenda Sue Chapman

Available at the following retailers:
Amazon     BN     Sony     Kobo     Smashwords     iTunes

Dylan Maguire is back and in his first mission with the CIA he must interrogate a recently captured Brenda Carnegie. But when she escapes again, it’s obvious that she’s had help from within the CIA’s own ranks. With Vicki Boyd’s psychic help, he must locate her again—and find out why some in the highest levels of government want her dead while others will risk everything to help her. And when he finds out her true identity, his mission has just become very personal.
“Why didn’t you let me go?” Vicki almost screamed at Dylan as she slammed the kitchen door behind her.

“Think about what you were doin’,” he said. “Had you come toward this house, they’d a’been straight on your heels. You’d ‘ave been leadin’ ‘em right to ‘er!”

She stomped down the hallway and came to an abrupt stop at the living room door. Brenda was seated in the corner, watching television. She was bathed in darkening shadows and had she not moved when Vicki entered the doorway, she might have missed her sitting there.

“Turn off that blasted show,” Dylan ordered. “I can’t stand all that political nonsense.”

Brenda muted the show. “Aren’t you two in a jovial mood?”

“What did you see?” Dylan asked, turning to Vicki. “And don’t give me what you told Sam. I know you saw more. And you knew who you were lookin’ at.”

“Sam?” Brenda’s voice had changed to a hushed tone. She sat perfectly still now, her hands held in her lap.

“Brenda’s in danger,” Vicki said, the words tumbling out. “It was Congressman Willo. He ordered the CIA to kill her.”

“What?” Dylan said. His voice also changed and some of the tension left his face, leaving a stunned expression. “Why?”

“I don’t know why.” Vicki turned to Brenda. “It’s something you know. Something that has to do with oil, an oil scheme—”

“Wait a minute,” Brenda said, leaning further back into her chair. Her face was now cloaked in shadows. “Are you telling me that—not only does Dylan work for the CIA but you do, too?”

“You knew Dylan worked for the CIA?” Vicki turned to stare at Dylan.

“Don’t look at me. I didn’t tell ‘er!”

“He didn’t have to tell me,” Brenda said hotly. “I saw him there. But you—you—”

“Well, this has just turned into a big house o’ secrets, now hasn’t it?” Dylan quipped. “Seems that everybody is hidin’ somethin’ from everybody else.”

“I don’t have time to explain,” Vicki said, ignoring Dylan and turning to Brenda.

“You’ve been spying on me!”


“It’s you, isn’t it? When I’ve been using your computer. You’ve been right behind me, looking over my shoulder! I knew it was you!” She stood up and walked behind the chair. Both hands grasped the seat back. “You said you were picking me up because—I thought you wanted to reunite—I—I—”

“I did—I do. I want our family back together.”

“Before or after I go to prison?”


Today, we welcome p.m. terrell to Musings and Ramblings. Let's all give her a big Geeky welcome!

I have some questions for you that are writer specific as well as some fun stuff so that we can really get to know the real you. *grin* Plus we will finish things off with round of Think Fast. Ready to begin?

Writing Specific
1. Tell us something about yourself that's not in your bio.
I could be entirely happy living my life in a make-believe world. The only drama I want in my life is that which is found within the pages of a book. And I will go to great lengths to avoid confrontation. I try to remember that I am here for the journey and not the destination and that in the big scheme of things, details don’t matter (except in my books).
2. What do you like to do when you are not writing?
I love to read; right now, I am fascinated by all the books set in Scotland and Ireland, especially those that take me back in history. I also have four rescue dogs: a foxhound, a collie, a Jack Russell and a Jack Russell-Basset Hound mix, who keep me hopping. And I have seven aquariums. The crown jewels are my angelfish, some of whom have grown to be ten inches tall. I even started a blog ( because I found so much interest in my angelfish breeding.
3. How did you choose the genres you write in?
The non-fiction genres chose me. I began my writing career with articles on computers, which were published in magazines in the 1980’s. A publisher (Dow Jones-Irwin) contacted me and asked me to write a few books on software, which I did. And when a different publisher (Palari) asked me to write a book for authors on marketing and promotion, I wrote Take the Mystery out of Promoting Your Book.
I also wrote two historical books, River Passage and Songbirds are Free, at the prompting of my family. River Passage was my first award-winning book and Songbirds are Free continues to be my bestseller.
But the books I enjoy the most are the suspense. I come from a long line of law enforcement, and I believe that element of crime comes naturally to me as I write. I’ve noticed as I read more romance, I weave more romantic elements through my books, which I believe makes them better and appeals to a broader range of readers.
4. Is there any particular author or book that has influenced you or your writing?
I have to be very careful when I am reading. My editor first noticed it when I wrote Ricochet; I had been reading a lot of Daphne du Maurier’s books (especially Jamaica Inn and Rebecca) in which she describes a lot about flowers and terrain. My editor told me my writing had become too verbose and too flowery, and when I looked back at the passages she’d highlighted, I realized that du Maurier’s style had crept into my own.
Today’s readers (and certainly the editors) seem to be happier with less flowery prose and concise sentences that keep the action moving at a break-neck speed. So when I am writing, I have to be very careful not to read the classics!
5. What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
The toughest criticism was an editor a few years back that slashed my book to pieces. I had worked with an FBI Agent to make certain my scenes were technically accurate and the editor changed whole scenes to things that were inaccurate—like posting Marines with oozies at the entrance to Quantico, something that has never been done. I had to go back and check all my facts and submit information to the publisher proving that my version was technically accurate. It delayed my book for over a year.
The best compliments are those readers who tell me they couldn’t put down my books; that once they started reading, I gripped them from the first page and kept their attention throughout the entire book.
Fun Stuff
6. If you could have dinner with anyone, past or present, fictional or real, who would it be and why?
Alex Band. I’d want to know how he comes up with those awesome song lyrics. His lyrics definitely touch the soul.
7. You are going to be stranded on a deserted island and bring 3 luxury items. What would they be?
An air conditioner, a generator and DEET.
8. Pick two celebrities to be your parents. Who are they and why?
Cary Grant and Michelle Obama. Politics aside, Michelle Obama seems to be a great mother who keeps her feet on the ground and raises two girls so they’re ready for the adult world we live in. And I’d want Cary Grant because, well, because he’s Cary Grant!
9. What would we find in your refrigerator right now?
Plenty of salad fixin’s and an awesome chicken-and-rice casserole I make for my dogs.
10. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
A Soul’s Journey Outside the Box
Think Fast
Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn
Coffee or Tea? Neither
Cake or Pie? Pie
Car or Truck? Mini-van
Print or Electronic? Electronic

Thanks being here today and for the interview. Anything you would like to add?
I want to invite all readers to visit me and 75 more authors, publishers and literary agents—plus a Hollywood producer—to Book ‘Em North Carolina Writers Conference and Book Fair. It will be held in Lumberton, NC on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the campus of Robeson Community College. Admission is totally free—even parking is free. The doors open at 9:30 AM. For more information, visit


p.m. will be awarding this Celtic Open Knot necklace to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

So follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

Book Tour Info: 
Don't forget to check out the other stops on the Book Tour:

September 9:
Out of the Lockbox
Musings and Ramblings

September 16:
Wicked Readings by Tawania

September 23:
Danita Minnis

September 30:
Straight from the Library

Author Bio:

p.m.terrell is the award-winning, internationally acclaimed author of more than 18 books in 4 genres. A full-time author since 2002, she previously opened and operated two computer companies in the Washington, DC area. Her specialties were in the areas of computer crime and computer intelligence and her clients included the Secret Service, CIA and Department of Defense as well as local law enforcement. Computer and spy technology are two themes that recur throughout her books. She is the co-founder of The Book 'Em Foundation, whose mission is to raise awareness of the link between high illiteracy rates and high crime rates. And she founded the annual Book 'Em North Carolina Writers Conference and Book Fair which takes place each February.

To connect with the author online:

Website | Blog | Vicki's Angelfish Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


  1. p.m....I checked out your angelfish blog. What an interesting hobby.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  2. Isn't it fun learning about the secret lives of authors? *grin*

  3. Fantastic interview, Ms. Terrell! How about a suspense novel that involves very valuable stolen angelfish??? Seems like a natural for you!

  4. Thank you, Catherine! I gave the CIA Agents in the series fronts as angelfish breeders because I found whenever I spoke about my fish, people's eyes would glaze over. :) I thought it would be the perfect job - nobody would want to hear about it, and everybody would think the CIA operatives were just a boring bunch of fish experts! But I do love my angelfish, and find even fish have distinct personalities.

  5. Thanks for the suggestion, Susan! That would be a tricky thing to pull off, wouldn't it - I remember a James Bond movie where the jewels were hidden in a fish tank. There are all sorts of possibilities!


  7. Great suggestion! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Susan. :)

  8. Great interview!
    Sounds like a great read!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  9. Thanks for coming by Natasha! The whole series looks fantastic!

  10. Hi, everyone! Just wanted to thank you all for following my book tour and leaving comments. I also wanted to congratulate the winner of the beautiful Celtic necklace, Natasha! Natasha, I will be emailing you today and mailing the necklace to you right away. It's gorgeous. Congratulations!


Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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