Saturday, May 18

Book Blogger Hop May 18th

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week a question is asked and we bloggers answer.

What is your guilty pleasure read?
Oy.  Such a hard question, mainly because I only read what the snooty literary professionals would term "guilty pleasure reads".

I mean don't get me wrong, I could and have read some of the "classics" but I prefer books with snark and comedy and great dialogue and plenty of action. Books where the characters sitting around talking about their feelings is just too, too *shudder* blergh.  Besides, you can only reread a "classic" so many times.  Contemporary authors have new books coming out multiple times a year, lots to choose from and enough new books that even my picky ass can find something I like.  Besides, I read for pleasure and most "Literature" is the equivalent of eating Brussels Sprouts.  Good for you, sure, but tastes like grass.  I only have so many hours a day for reading and its not going to be Brussels Sprouts.  No Thanks.

How do you stand on the Real Literature vs Guilty Pleasure issue?  


  1. Good answer....very good answers today.

    Happy Hopping!!


    Silver's Reviews

    Blog Hop Answer

  2. I get like that too. That's why it is okay to be picky about what you read. Choose what you think you will like.

  3. Thanks Elizabeth.

    Glad you stopped by. :)

  4. You're so funny! I agree that some classics can be totally dreary. Comparing them to Brussels Sprouts is hilarious!! Yes, they're "good for you", but UGH. I found that to be the case with Kafka, when I attempted to read "The Castle". I hated that book. Dreary doesn't even cover the effect it had on me. Then he has another one, titled "The Metamorphosis", in which the protagonist turns into a giant bug. I just read the synopsis, so I wouldn't have to suffer through that one!
    I don't find other classics dreary at all, though. For instance, Dickens is a joy to read! And my favorite classic of all time is Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre"!! I also love Mark Twain. So I guess it depends on the author. I absolutely HATE Edgar Allan Poe. I had to read a couple of his stories in high school.
    Contemporary novels are, of course, highly enjoyable! And I read them, as well. I'm a very eclectic reader, except that I don't like horror and erotica.
    Thanks for sharing, and Happy Reading!! :)

  5. I really liked Mark Twain, Jack London and I even enjoyed Moby Dick. But I think that just might be my "guy" sensibilities, because books like Jane Eyre and Little Women just drive me up a wall.

    It's a good thing that everyone has different likes, otherwise the world would be a very boring place. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Oh no! I never thought of pleasure reading vs. classic literature. Although none of my guilty pleasure authors are classics. ~~Emmly Jane

  7. I guess I have too many people give me the stink eye because of reading "popular" fiction.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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